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Users can group selected SKUs into a bundle with a special price and associated market. In this section, you will learn about bundles and how to offer more product offerings to customers.

What is a bundle?

A bundle is a collection of SKUs with a special price. The selected SKUs are associated to the bundle via the SKU line items belonging to a manual SKU list. A bundle aims to allow merchants to provide product offerings to customers by grouping multiple SKUs and attaching a special price. As mentioned, only a manual SKU list can be associated with a bundle. In addition, a special price to be used to purchase all the SKUs in the bundle will be assigned.

Bundles can be activated and delivered within a specified market. Once a price is assigned to a bundle, the currency is inherited by the relationships with the market. If that relationship is not specified, a currency must be assigned to the bundle. Merchants can attach the bundle price amount and the compared price amount (often used to display percentage discount). The option to calculate the compared price amount as the price sum of all the SKUs in the bundle is also available.

Currently, a maximum of ten (10) SKU list items is permitted for the SKU list assigned to a bundle. Once an SKU list is associated with a bundle, it cannot be modified. Hence new SKU items cannot be added, deleted, or updated unless the linked bundle(s) are destroyed.

Anatomy of a bundle

Creating a bundle for a market requires three steps as described below:

  • Create some SKUs.
  • Create a manual SKU list and assign some SKUs to the list via SKU line items.
  • Create a bundle with an associated SKU list, special price, and market.

Merchants can then utilize the bundle in a sales channel as they deem fit.

Some use cases of bundles

Here are some use cases to give you an idea of how useful this feature is:

  • Selling special kits that include multiple items.
  • Selling gift sets that include items with multiple variants.
  • Selling gift boxes that include multiple items.
  • Selling products that aren’t sellable singularly but only if bundled together with other products.