Take promotions to the next level with our new Rules Engine.

Start building for free, or sell with a Link today.



No constraints. Start coding your project today.

  • 1 organization
  • 2 users
  • 2 markets
  • 1,000 SKUs
  • 10 links
  • Unlimited test orders
  • Core API access
  • Community support



Get in touch for a custom quote that meets your business needs.

  • Unlimited organizations
  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited markets
  • Unlimited SKUs
  • Unlimited links
  • Custom orders/year
  • Core API access
  • Dedicated support
  • Custom user roles
  • Custom identity provider
  • Enterprise SLAs

Available add-ons:

  • Enterprise OMS
  • Metrics API
  • Provisioning API

Your questions, answered.

  • An organization is a tenant that can be used to manage many companies, clients, or merchants within a single account. Users can be members of one or more organizations with different roles and permissions.

  • A user is a member of an organization that needs to gain access to the backend dashboard. Each user can be assigned an Admin or Read-only role. Custom roles and permissions are available for Enterprise plans.

  • A market is associated with a merchant, an inventory model, and a price list (plus an optional customer group, geocoder, and tax calculator). A market can refer to a location in a geographical region where merchants can sell items and customers can purchase or in general be used to define your selling strategy and specific business model. Commerce Layer is multi-market by design. Your organization may have one or more markets and most of the resources (price lists, inventory models, payment gateways, promotions, carrier accounts, and more) are market-specific and can be defined at a market level. Markets can be disabled. Your plan limits refer to active (i.e. enabled) markets only. If you've reached your plan's limit in terms of the number of markets, make sure to disable one of the active markets before enabling a new one.

  • SKU stands for Stock Keeping Unit and represents a distinct type of item for sale. To count the number of SKUs you need, consider all the product variants in your catalog. For example, all the size-color combinations of your t-shirts or shoes.

  • Stores enable you to map a market's physical shops (e.g. retail stores, pop-up stores, etc.) to effectively manage in-store sales and more. Stores are market-specific and can have their own stock location and payment methods. Stores can be put in scope when requesting an access token so that all the fetched resources (e.g. SKUs, prices) are automatically filtered by the related market, orders are associated with the store in scope, the stock availability is computed taking into consideration the store's stock location (if any) first, and the available payment methods are updated accordingly.

  • Commerce Layer's OMS helps you manage the entire lifecycle of your order, from creation in a cart to shipment from your warehouse. We provide several apps in the Commerce Layer Dashboard to manage the workflow. Our OMS suite of apps include the following:

    • Orders
    • Shipments
    • Returns
    • Stock transfers
    • Customers
    • Subscriptions

    Other apps related to order fulfillment that you can find in the Dashboard include

    • SKUs
    • SKU Lists
    • Price lists
    • Inventory
    • Bundles
    • Promotions
    • Gift cards
  • The Metrics API enables you to extract almost any kind of data information from your Commerce Layer's organization order, return, or cart history. By querying the Metrics API you'll be able to gather and aggregate useful data that you can leverage in different ways, such as:

    • creating your own organization reports
    • building custom metrics dashboards
    • set up metric-based alerts
    • send metric data to any open-source or in-house developed tool, library, or framework
  • The Provisioning API allows you to manage provisioning tasks automatically instead of manually. You can also use the Provisioning API to streamline user onboarding by creating accounts and permissions with simple API requests. You can pull API credentials for Commerce Layer web apps, integrations, and sales channels directly from the API, making it possible to programmatically dole out API access for key integrations and/or sales channels whenever required. Any of the administrative tasks that go with proper user and application access can be automated, saving time and helping scale your business.

  • We count the placed orders (i.e. the orders that have been confirmed by customers) in the billing cycle.

  • No. Commerce Layer integrates with many payment gateways and third-party tools. Their fees are not included in the cost per order and should be added up.

  • There's no trial period. Commerce Layer is free for developers, and it always will be. You can try our API without any time limits and switch to a paid plan when ready. Alternatively, you can speak with our sales team about trial options for the Enterprise plan.

  • Absolutely. You can manage as many organizations (i.e. brands) you want within the same account. You will pay for all of them with a single, centralized subscription.

  • No, we do not offer Commerce Layer on-premise.

  • We do. We have extended our support to nonprofit organizations. Tell us your story for consideration in this plan.