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Set and track inventory levels with our Inventory App.

May 14, 2024 Daniel Oh

Keeping track of inventory can sound simple. You probably want to know where your inventory is located and how much you have. Of course, the reality is different for enterprise brands. Keeping track of constantly shifting inventory pools in different stock locations is complex and arduous.

Commerce Layer has a robust OMS that includes multi-warehouse support, sophisticated inventory modeling, and custom shipment strategies that service scaling brands. This includes our new Inventory App, a tool powerful enough to help your backroom staff keep track of stock.

The Inventory App

The Inventory App enables you to set stock levels for SKUs in each of your stock locations. When you open up the app, it’ll show you all of the stock locations that are in your organization. When you click on a stock location, you’ll see all of the SKUs and their stock levels in that location.

You can add or edit existing stock levels for SKUs once you click into the stock location. So if you receive a shipment of new products coming in, or if your warehouse staff miscounted stock and needs to correct it, it’s a simple process to make adjustments to your stock location data. Simply add a new SKU and stock level to the stock location, as seen in the screenshot below:

As you can see, it’s pretty straightforward. Select the SKU and the quantity received to the stock location, and it will be added to the stock location. If you want to edit the stock level of any of the SKU entries, click on a SKU and then the three dots on the top right.

Admin tools that get the job done

The Inventory App is designed to manage stock counts quickly and effectively. It gives you a comprehensive view of stock levels of any given stock location. It also provides your backroom staff with the power to reflect those stock levels to the actual counts in the warehouse. And, it’s a great tool for support agents or store associates to check if certain SKUs are in stock in other locations.

Without easy-to-use and powerful tools, inventory management can become a mess quickly. That’s why our approach to the Inventory App is to give the most straightforward experience as possible. We want to simply your job with a streamlined and smooth workflow.

We’d love to hear your feedback on our new Inventory App, as well as all of the applications we've released recently. If you have any feedback, join the conversation on Slack.

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