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Make SKU management a breeze with our new SKU and SKU Lists apps.

April 23, 2024 Daniel Oh

At Commerce Layer, stock keeping units or SKUs exist as one of the most atomic objects in our platform. SKUs represent the commerce data component of a product catalog. And catalogs present SKUs in a hierarchy of categories, product types, product attributes, and product variants. But SKUs are also what merchants use to keep track of the stock in their warehouses. SKUs are what customers unbox from their orders. Without a doubt, they are an elemental component of any commerce experience. That’s why we’ve shipped new SKU and SKU Lists Apps to our Dashboard. With them, we make it straightforward for our merchants to set up SKUs in our system.

Set up products with our new SKUs app

With our new SKUs app, setting up your SKUs is simple. You start off by opening up the SKUs app, which will show you the master list of all the SKUs in your Commerce Layer organization.

From here, you can either edit an existing SKU or add a new SKU. When you click on a SKU on the master list, you get a SKU name, SKU code, image, and description data along with the shipping category.

You can also click on the three dots at the top right to edit any of the SKU data:

  • Name
  • SKU Code
  • Description
  • Shipping info such as shipping category, weight, pieces per pack and HS code
  • Shipping options such as “do not ship” and “do not track stock”, which is useful for digital products or products with virtually unlimited stock.

The SKU app is a great tool to either edit SKUs or add one-off SKUs after bulk imports. For example, if you’re an apparel brand getting a completely new assortment for the new season, you can import that SKU data using our Imports app. You can then go to the SKU app to review the data to confirm everything is correct. If the import missed any last minute additions to your assortment, you can add those directly using the app.

Create bundles or segment products for promotions with our SKU Lists app

SKU Lists in Commerce Layer are a way for merchants to group SKUs together and apply logic to them. They’re a useful way to

  • filter or show specific SKUs in the presentation layer.
  • enable and manage promotions for a segment of SKUs.
  • group SKUs together into a bundle that has a specific price.

The SKU Lists app can be found under the Dev Tools section of our Dashboard Hub. From here, you have the option to add a new SKU List or edit an existing SKU List. Let’s try adding a new SKU List.

Name the SKU List and begin adding SKUs. You can manually add SKUs by clicking on “Add Item”. Or, search for SKUs by their name or SKU Code.

You also have the option to add SKUs automatically with keywords inside the SKU Code. For example, you can type the term “Women” to add all the Women apparel items to this SKU List.

Save the SKU List to make it available for promotions and bundles. You can even use SKU Lists to present catalog assortments or filters on the frontend.

Why SKUs instead of products?

Product cataloging is a merchandising decision, not an engineering one. Nearly all commerce platforms integrate a product catalog management tool as part of their offering. Smaller brands can fit a simple assortment into any prebuilt catalog without many issues. But bigger brands tend to have more complex catalogs with a wide array of variants and attributes that affect pricing at every level. At that point, a prebuilt catalog inside a commerce platform presents rigid opinions on how products get organized on a frontend. Not only is the tool too restrictive, it limits how to optimize your content and commerce data management.

SKU Options and SKU Bundles help users create and account for different combinations of SKUs that make up the line items in an order. This simplicity allows developers to build flexible product and pricing models that meet any merchandising requirement. In a composable technology stack, a CMS, PIM, or ERP are perfect tools to manage product catalog data models and related content. Commerce Layer requires only the SKU information to create, place, and fulfill the order.

The SKU and SKU Lists apps are straightforward tools that make SKU setup in our system a breeze. Merchandisers can use them to assort products any way they want. It’s their job after all, not the developer’s.

We’d love to hear what you think about our new SKU and SKU Lists apps. If you have any feedback, join the conversation on Slack.

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