The new Bundles App brings a no-code solution that makes the bundle creation process simple.


More tools to manage your organization with our revamped Dashboard.

May 9, 2024 Daniel Oh

As we continue to refine our client-facing applications and tools, we’re proud to announce the latest wave of improvements our Dashboard. Our revamped Dashboard has improved navigation, leverages the power of our new Provisioning and Authentication APIs, and makes future development and customization of our Dashboard applications much easier.

Navigational changes

The first thing you’ll notice when you log into the Dashboard is the redesigned top and side navigation bars. We’ve made the sidebar persistent as you jump between menu items and applications, which makes it much more simple to switch to the interface you need.

The top navigation bar is where we’ve moved Organization selection, the toggle to activate Test mode, and quicklinks to our changelog and API documentation. On the right hand corner, the options to manage your profile, subscriptions, and Provisioning API credentials are still available as a dropdown menu.

Selecting your region

When you create a new organization with Commerce Layer, you now have the option to select which region you’d like your data to be stored. Whether you have data governance requirements or you simply want to lower latency, you can pick between our US and EU data centers to house your organization’s data.

Improved user provisioning and expanded permissions

A big part of implementing our Provisioning API was to provide more seamless management of organizations, roles, and memberships within your Commerce Layer account. It’s especially important to gate sensitive resources and data to specific users in order to protect your organization.

This revamped Dashboard also allows us to build a deeper integration between the Dashboard and the Provisioning API, which has expanded user role provisioning and how admins can allocate access to our Dashboard applications from the Dashboard itself.

Click on the “Team” tab on the side navigation, then click on the team member you want to provision access to. You’ll see the member’s role as well as a list of applications the member can access. Here is where you can grant different types of access (full, partial, or read only) or deny access to specific apps for the team member.

Future development in React

As part of this release, we’ve also updated our open source application repositories to include our newest apps, the SKU, SKU List, Price List, Inventory, and Promotion apps. As always, these repos are forkable and can be customized to fit your needs using our App Elements library. Moreover, by moving our Dashboard to React, we’re making a strategic decision to simplify application and UI development for our platform in the long term. Our goal is to provide business tools that are powerful without overcomplicating workflows, and this move to React helps us deliver those tools to you.

We’d love to hear what you think about our revamped Dashboard and our other releases. If you haven’t already, join the conversation on Slack.

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