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How to get the most from Commerce Layer Links.

November 20, 2024 Seth Bindernagel

Commerce Layer’s Links are a powerful new feature that allow you to generate a link to a Commerce Layer API resource. We already laid out the vision for Commerce Layer Links in Filippo's blog post. Simply stated, Links are a no-code technology powered by Commerce Layer that enables any stock to be sold anywhere by using the most foundational component of the Web: a URL. Links represent the execution of a "unified commerce" vision that has driven our product development from the very beginning of our journey.

If you’ve been following the changelog, you’ll know that the Links resource has been available for a few weeks. Now we’ve made it so you can create Links directly from our Dashboard Apps. They are the latest addition to our commerce engine that will change how our customers manage and expand their commerce operations.

Let's dive into what Links are, how to create them, and the myriad ways they can benefit your business.

What are Commerce Layer Links

Links provide the most powerful way for a brand to create a streamlined, contextually-relevant purchase experience for a customer. Because Links stem from Commerce Layer’s Market resource, every Link can be configured with a specific set of business rules right down to the customer level. Links can be customized to deliver a personalized checkout experience to a specific product, set of products, or a draft order. Regardless of which app you use to create a Link, they always contain a set of rules that you define like custom price lists, inventory models, promotions, tax calculations, and customer groups.

Links are also simple. They are just unique URLs for specific API resources. Our micro frontends technology can render them as pending Orders (aka carts), SKUs, or SKU Lists, making it easier than ever to share and complete transactions. Links are different because they allow you to provide important context for an Order, SKU, or SKU List. For example, a Link might be encoded to contain

  • a local currency
  • custom pricing
  • other geo information like shipping options
  • a payment gateway popular in a local market
  • a promotion specific to a customer

Because Links are built on the same underlying API, our order management system allows you to manage any of the orders you receive from Links alongside the orders you receive from your other sales channels powered by Commerce Layer. This is just another way we are working to unify your commerce across all channels.

The idea is that Links help you boost your sales through new channels outside of your primary website. Links can be pushed to your customers over messaging apps, social media, clienteling apps, etc. With Links, you can unify your pull (i.e. website) and push (i.e. everything else) sales channels.

Who should use Commerce Layer Links

Commerce Layer Links are designed to benefit various roles within an organization. Let's look at some key personas who can leverage this feature to enhance their workflows and boost sales:

  1. Sales associates (Retail or B2B): Sales associates can provide a more personalized and efficient service directly to clients. Leveraging an established personal relationship, sales associates can communicate directly with customers and send them a Link of exactly what the customer wants to buy.
  2. Marketing managers: Marketers who want to maximize push marketing channels can use Links to offer a streamlined purchase experiences that extend the lifetime value of their customers. Their focus can shift to customers they’ve already captured from pull marketing initiatives. Lastly, they can analyze the performance of different channels by analyzing sales via Links using our Metrics API.
  3. Customer service representatives: For any customer service team, Links can significantly streamline the order process, post-order management, and enhance customer satisfaction. Customers service reps can quickly transform online and phone conversations to exchanges and even upsell moments.

By incorporating Links into daily workflows, your teams can create a more seamless experience for customers, whether its nurturing exisitng client relationships, managing digital marketing campaigns, or providing customer support. Links empower teams to work more efficiently and effectively, ultimately driving more sales.

How to create Links

Links can be created in two ways: directly from the Commerce Layer API or by using the Orders, SKUs and SKU Lists apps found in the Dashboard. A Link resolves in two ways: by using either one of our micro frontend applications, or a website you create. In the latter example, you can decide to fork our micro frontends or create your own experience from scratch.

We have made creating Links a breeze with new UI across our platform. Here's how you can generate Links inside the dashboard:

  1. Orders App:
    • Navigate to the Carts section.
    • Find the draft order you want to link.
    • Click the "Checkout" button.
    • We generate a Link that uses our Checkout micro frontend for that specific order.
  2. SKU App and SKU List App:
    • Locate the SKU or SKU List you want to use to create a Link.
    • Navigate to the Links section.
    • Click the "New link" button.
    • We generate a Link that uses our Microstore micro frontend for either the SKU or list of SKUs selected.

Links are ready to share with customers immediately, allowing them to complete a purchase seamlessly. Today, Commerce Layer customers are using Links to connect orders to a custom checkout flow, and inside a custom microstore application that creates Order Links that are then redirected to a custom checkout flow. If you want to learn exactly how they've done this, just ping us and we can describe it in more detail.

Links can be created from the API or from the Orders, SKUs, or SKU Lists apps, shown here.

Use cases for Commerce Layer Links

The versatility of Links opens up a world of possibilities across various industries. Let’s run through some detailed examples that might fit your business.

  1. Retail sales:
    • Use clienteling apps to create custom product bundles and share purchase Links with customers.
    • Share personalized Links to curated lists of SKUs with regular customers, showcasing new products or restocked favorites.
    • Generate Links for out-of-stock items to enable easy pre-ordering.
  2. Customer service:
    • Take orders over the phone and instantly generate a Link for the customer to complete a purchase.
    • Quickly recreate a customer's cart if they encountered any issues during checkout and send a Link to customers to complete their purchase.
    • Send personalized product recommendations based on customer preferences, order history, replacement products, or add-on items during support conversations.
  3. B2B sales:
    • Create Links for custom quotes or negotiated prices for your B2B customers with exact SKUs and quantities discussed that are ready for review and purchase.
    • Send Links for frequently ordered items or custom bundles to streamline the reordering process.
    • Share mini-product catalogs as SKU List Links, allowing business partners to easily browse and purchase.
  4. Marketing campaigns:
    • Generate SKU-specific Links for emails, SMS marketing, social media posts, and digital advertisements.
    • Track campaign effectiveness with unique Links per market for specific promotions like flash sales, limited-time offers, or product drops and launches.
    • Distribute Links to influencers for affiliate marketing campaigns.
    • Create shoppable content on any part of your website with embedded product Links.

Get started with Links today

By leveraging Commerce Layer Links, you can create more efficient workflows for your teams, enhance customer experiences, and, most importantly, drive sales immediately across new, previously inaccessible channels. It doesn't matter if you are a traditional brick-and-mortar retailer, a B2B business, or an ecommerce pure play, Links provide a flexible and powerful tool to streamline your commerce operations.

We encourage you to discover how Links can transform your commerce strategy today. Start exploring Links by signing up and visiting either of the Orders, SKUs, or SKU Lists apps in the dashboard. If you're an enterprise ready to use Links at scale, please contact our sales team. We're here to help.

Learn more about Links.