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Announcing our Price List Scheduler open beta period.

June 3, 2024 Daniel Oh

Pricing isn’t a static exercise. There are so many different factors that go into pricing: inflation, seasonality, supply and demand, and so much more. As we continue to develop our platform and our pricing engine, we’re excited to announce the open beta period of our Price Scheduler. You can find it on the Admin Panel section of our Dashboard. The Price List Scheduler feature allows you to apply a Price List for a Market for a specified amount of time.

How it works

Price List Schedulers are created at the Market level (which you can find from the Dashboard by clicking Admin Panel → Settings → Markets). Before you create a Price List Scheduler, you’ll have to create the Price List you’ll want to apply first. Be sure to check out our Price List App or create it programmatically

Once you have that, select the Market you want to assign a Price List Scheduler, then click on “Manage Price List Schedulers” → “New Price List Scheduler.”

Here you can label the Price List Scheduler, set up the activation period, and select the Price List to be applied to this Market. Note that while you can set up multiple Schedulers for the same market, only one price list can be applied at any given time. For more details be sure to check out our Price List Scheduler documentation.

The Price List Scheduler is a great tool for brands to:

  • Set up seasonal sales periods on new SKUs entering the assortment
  • Establish a clearance sale to move inventory of older SKUs and make room for new products
  • Test pricing of popular SKUs to see if demand will be affected, especially by limiting tests to certain markets

Open beta period

The feature is available to all Commerce Layer clients. All you need is a Commerce Layer account to access our new Price List Schedulers. As part of the open beta period, we’d love for you be inventive with Price List Schedulers and really test their capabilities.

The open beta period will last until we release the Price List Scheduler on our Dashboard, which will be later this year. Please submit feedback by emailing beta-pricescheduler@commercelayer.io with the subject line "RE: Price List Scheduler". If you see any bugs or if there’s anything you want improved, we’d love for you to share your thoughts.

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